Benefits of Rebar Couplers

Benefits of Rebar Couplers
More and more engineers are specifying mechanical rebar connection over lap splices. They have found that mechanical connections afford a reliability and consistency that can’t be found with lap splicing.
- Mechanical systems are more reliable than lap systems because they don’t depend on the concrete for load transfer.
- Mechanical connections offer greater structural integrity. Mechanical splices offer strength and toughness during manmade, seismic or other natural events.
- Code requires that mechanical splices deliver higher performance than typical design lengths for lap splices. This is typically 125% to 150% greater capacity* provided by the mechanical splices versus the lap splice.
- Lap splicing increase rebar congestion at the lap zone and is one of the major causes for forming rock pockets and voids in the concrete. Mechanical splices eliminate these congestion problems and will make the overall job more cost effective through minimised job site problems.
- Building codes stipulate a steel ratio of under 8% and this makes it nearly impossible to achieve a balanced design with lap splicing. Mechanical splices allow the structural designers to achieve an ideal balance of steel and concrete by eliminating the additional rebar in the lap zone.
- Working with “small” diameter reinforcing bars may require the use of larger column dimensions to accommodate a greater quantity of bars. Using mechanical splices allow the option of larger diameter rebars in smaller column while minimizing congestion. This reduced column size results in more efficient design and an optimum use of floor space.
- Rebar Coupler eliminate tedious lap calculations.
- Rebar Coupler are fast and easy to install and requires no specialised skilled labour.
- Rebar couplers are cost effective by reducing labour costs and accelerating job schedules.
- Dowel bar substitutes reduce labour on site, formwork costs and increase job site safety.
- Bar terminators eliminate congestion and simplify bar placing.
- Repair splices eliminate the cost of breaking away massive amounts of concrete.
Notes : * Depending on Reinforcing bar standard.
The Information provided in this website is of a promotional nature only. In every case, project working details should be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced structural designer / Engineers.

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