Free Feasibility Report For Self Redevelopment

We provide free feasibility report for Self Redevelopment of existing Housing Societies in Mumbai.
If you are want know benefits of self redevelopment and want free feasibility for your society then you can fill contact form below and we will get back to you, as soon as possible.
Following List of Documents/ information to be made available by society for initial discussion on project feasibility.
- PR Card
- CTS Plan
- 7/12 Extract
- DP / TP remark (if any )
- Copy of Conveyance (if any)
- Existing Approved Building & Layout Plans
- Number of Tenants and Existing carpet area statement
- Copy of OC (if any)
- Existing physical survey of the Plot (if any)
- Cess Category Certificate in case of development under 33 (7)
- Copy of Assessment Certificate (Property Tax )
You can provide more details by visiting
#SelfRedevelopment #SelfRedevelopmentofHousingSociety #FreeFeasibilityReportForSelfRedevelopment
#SatishPatelPMC #SatishPatel